It takes around 35 seconds to form a first impression and 93% of that first impression involves non-verbal communication. This implies that you will be judged on what you are wearing, your deportment (how you stand and hold yourself), and how you present yourself. Only 7% of that first impression is formed from what you say.
The good news is that JCS services about jewelry, colors, and accessory/clothing styles can certainly help you to create a fabulous first impression, emphasizing your best features (skin complexion, eye color, hair color, and face shape) and creating a harmonious look, with the focus on you, and not on what you are wearing.
To thank you for your appreciation and support during this whole year, JCS gives you three special Christmas gifts – valuable advice about image consulting – to help you look your best and feel confident! May this holiday season sparkle and shine, may all of your wishes and dreams come true, and may you feel this happiness all year round. The Jewelry Color & Style team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2019!
About Jewelry
To maintain the beauty and shine of your gold jewelry, make sure to clean it and polish it periodically. For cleaning purpose, you can place your gold jewelry in a solution of warm water and mild detergent. Scrub it gently with a soft brush, then rinse it with clean water and finally dry it with a soft cloth. For polishing purpose, look for a qualified jeweler.
About Color
Monochromatic colors are lighter and darker versions of the same color. Wearing two or three shades of the same color conveys sophistication and richness. You could wear a pair of navy pants with a periwinkle shirt or a coral skirt with a peach blouse. Remember that a color always matches a whiter, grayer, or blacker version of itself.
About Style
With regard to tops and blouses, shoulder seams should be on the edge of the shoulder or just over. Long sleeves should finish at the wrist bone. Sleeves should be wide enough to permit comfortable movement. Buttons should remain closed and not pull at the bust.